While browsing over the photo sets on Flickr I ran across Hungarian architect and jewelry designer Panyi
Zsuzsi. Her lovely style and commitment to re-use and green living insprired me so that I tracked her down to find out more...
"If you asked me what
style do you have, I would say it is the panyizsuzsi style. This is a mixture
of mid-century modern, contemporary and retro styles. I furnish and decorate
our house environmentally friendly and low-budget. I buy mainly used furniture
on-line or at flea markets. I know specialty local workshops, who turn them
into pure beauty. It is really important for me if I take furniture to such
shops, that they exactly follow my instruction. By now they got used to it and
they call every time when there is a question of any detail."

"My favourite part, the living room, I
would say is almost done. The living room hosts the dining area. The furniture
here are some IKEA pieces and some other(armchairs, coffe table) refurnished
items from the local ebay. I think these furniture that someone does not needs
are not bad, moreover they are much better quality than the ones made today,
they just need some work to add a new look. The couch is a Hungarian brand.
That means less transportation so less smog!"

"I would not say I am a
totally green person, but I am on a journey of turning into green! That means I
pay a lot of attention to buying quality food and cooking from scratch every
day, preserve my own jams, and grow some veggies in our garden, such like
tomato. We have fabric napkins. I use environmentally friendly detergent or
washing soda, a 100% bio-degradable cleaner and vinegar (no poisonous stuff in
our house!) I cloth diaper my baby, use a sink-erector (that is very-very
unusual here).
My next steps are replacing
kitchen sponges, to the crocheted alternatives, disposable facial pads to
washable ones. My other plan is to buy a bike and use that whenever I can
instead of my car!"
"The mannequin is a child size and I use them for craft fairs and
shows, to demonstrate my jewelry. The vest the mannequin is wearing is an old
Transylvanian one, made of leather and nicely decorated. The vase is my latest
finding from the schools garage sale."

Her beautiful recycled glass jewelry can be found in her Etsy Store. All Design^Sprout Readers can claim a 20% discount if you mention this article! Thanks Zsuzsi!