Thank God for creative people with time on their hands because these fabric-covered thumb tacks are the cutest little buggers I've seen in awhile. Jessica Jones, crafter extrodinaire, from the blog How About Orange came up with this DIY tutorial (below), proving to us laypeople that it does in fact take a special talent to turn 1/4" of space into a work of art. Thanks Jessica! You tiny-fingered genius you!
Start with a pack of "Wedding Gown Size" (size 20, 1/2") metal buttons
to cover (available at fabric stores for about $1.50). Pull the loops
off all the button backing pieces with a pliers or wire cutter. Cut
your fabric scraps into circles slightly larger than a quarter, or use
the circle template printed on the back of your button package. (Since
the edges get tucked in under the metal backing, you don't have to be a
careful cutter.)
Following the package directions, use the
"pusher" tool that came in the pack to cover your buttons with fabric.
This step is easy and the most fun! Then use a generous amount of hot
glue to attach a tack to the back of your button. A standard tack
should fit perfectly. Your cork board will thank you.

POST SCRIPT: You can buy buttons to cover that have flat backs so you don't have to yank off the wire loops! Get some here at J Caroline Creative. I did NOT know this when I made mine. Shoot. Could have saved myself some work.
You can check out Jessica's FANTASTIC blog here!