After all the blood, sweat, sore fingers and rapidly deteriorating eyesight we bloggers go through, it feels really great to be recognized. Thanks Organicasm! Check out some of the uber-interesting sites below.
50 Must-Read Blogs for the Organic Shopper
Child-rearing usually involves the purchase of a lot of stuff.
These blogs will give you advice on how to reduce the amount of this
stuff, and make sure that what you’re buying is responsible for your
family and the world.
- Busy Moms Go Green: This mom is raising six "green" kids, and sings the praises of organic eating.
- Enviromom: These two stay-at-home moms are newbies in the green and organic movement, and they’re chronicling their baby steps.
- Eco Child’s Play: On Eco Child’s Play, you’ll find advice for toys, food, and more.
- It Takes a Planet: This mom focuses on natural resources for her family.
- Healthy Child Healthy World: Learn about organic food, pesticides, baby care, and more from this blog.
- Green Baby Guide: Get insider secrets on organic and sustainable baby gear from Joy and Rebecca.
- Ask an Organic Mom:
These authors of The Complete Organic Pregnancy answer questions and
give advice on making your pregnancy and child care as organic as
- Raising Peanuts: This mom works to live as naturally and organically as possible.
- Crunchy Chicken: This family grows and makes their own food.
Learn more about being a responsible organic shopper through these blogs.
- The Alternative Consumer: The Alternative Consumer blog writes about comparison shopping that goes beyond price.
- Egglog: The Egglog has lots of information on organic and green marketing.
- Organic Consumers Association: This association promotes the views and interests of socially responsible and organic consumers.
- Knowmore: Check out responsibility profiles for the companies you patronize.
- Leafygreen: Look to Leafygreen to learn more about organic and natural products.
- Fake Plastic Fish: Check out Beth Terry’s blog to learn how she’s living in a world without plastic.
- Life Less Plastic: With this blog, you’ll learn how to cut down on plastic products and find out how plastic negativelty affects our world.
- OrganicMania: Lynn at Organic Mania makes it easy to research and find information on organic products.
- Diane’s Big Green Purse: Diane believes that we can pressure polluters where it hurts-in the marketplace.
These blogs will show you how to use organic products and principles in your daily life.
- Down to Earth: On Rhonda Hetzel’s blog, you’ll learn about gardening, green cleaning, and living a simpler life.
- The Accidental Environmentalist: This blogger writes about her lifestyle changes, and how she’s grown into a greener person.
- Green Eggs and Planet: Green Eggs and Planet provides readers with insight on healthy living through organics and beyond.
- The Lazy Environmentalist: Check out the Lazy Environmentalist for tips on how to go green and organic without sacrifices.
- Organic Picks: These bloggers find organic and sustainable products for their families.
- Alotta Errata: This blogger loves organic and local products, but admits that she doesn’t always get things right.
- Ideal Bite: Ideal Bite breaks "doing the right thing" into bite-sized ideas.
- La Vie Verte: Follow this guide to green living in France.
Organic products aren’t limited to food-you can use them in your home, too. These blogs will show you how.
- Design^Sprout: In this design blog, you’ll find lots of great ideas for conscientious home design products, organic or otherwise.
- Building Gypsy Rose: Learn how one house is being built in a sustainable way.
- Low Impact Home:
Find out how one Tennessee family is working to make a low impact home,
from less plastic consumption to more organic products.
- Earth Friendly Gardening: Check out this blog to learn how you can create an earth-friendly garden of your own.
- My Green Home: This blog has loads of information about greening your home, from organic products to builders.
- Crafting a Green World: Check out this blog to learn about conscientious crafting.
- Broomhuggers: On the Broomhuggers blog, you’ll learn how to clean your home in a more organic and sustainable fashion.
Learn more about organic food, recipes, and more with these blogs.
- Chews Wise: On Chews Wise, you’ll get information about the food system and where your food products come from.
- Culinate: Culinate aims to make food decisions easier, from when to buy organic to finding out where your food comes from.
- 100 Mile Diet: Learn how to eat food that’s produced within 100 miles of your home with this blog.
- Eat Local Challenge: Check out this group blog to learn all about eating locally and organically.
- Envirovore: Envirovore subscribes to the thought that we are what we eat, and they want to eat responsibly.
- Green Lemonade:
This blog covers sustainability in food, asking you to become aware of
what you put in your body and the effect it has on the world.
- Bean Sprouts: Melanie Rimmer’s household grows some of their own food, and works hard to be "green."
- Eat. Drink. Better: Discover more about the world of food from this blog.
- FoodShed Planet: This blog discusses sustainability in food any beyond.
- Edible Nation: Learn about eating local, organic, and tasty food from this blog.
Ethics, Safety and Policy
Learn about the political side of organic consumption in these blogs.
- Muddy Dog Roasting Co.: Check out this blog to learn more about sustainable coffee.
- The Ethicurean: This blog encourages readers to "chew the right thing."
- Coffee & Conservation: This blog illustrates the connection between coffee and the environment, particularly bird habitats.
- Beyond Pesticides: Learn about the environmental and health hazards of pesticides, and alternatives to their use in this blog.
- Farm Policy: Hear about the latest in food politics from this blog.
- Organic Horizon: Learn about organic food and farming in the US from this virtual farmer.
- Blog for Rural America: Read this blog to learn about what American farmers are facing today.
- Mulch: Hear commentary on agriculture, policy, and food safety on this blog.
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