Organization - it eludes me every time! But occasionally happy accidents occur - while sorting through my Buenos Aires pictures and trying to organize them enough to form some sort of interesting post, I ran across these inspirational photos from the recycler's paradise SCRAP in San Francisco. I'd totally forgotten about this fantastic, whimscial screen and how easy it was to re-imagine- lucky find!
The oh-so-simple instructions!
1. Gather together as many spherical objects as you want for the size of your screen. When making mine, I used old Christmas ornaments but I'm thinking styrofoam balls or old tennis balls would work as well.
2. Find about 3 yards of yarn for each ball. I found a ton of short yarn lengths discarded in a bag at a local thrift store.
3. Take the beginning of your yarn piece and secure into the ball with a straight pin.
4. Start wrapping! Try and cover all of the color underneath.
5. Secure end with pin then pull a little yarn over top of pin to cover.
6. Repeat for as many yarn balls as size screen desired.
7. Using a long upholstery needle and fishing line (clear plastic and very strong thread) secure a knot at one end and thread balls through las though you are stringing cranberries. Depending on what type of ball you used as your base you may have to drill a hole for your needle to pierce through.
8. Have wooden dowel cut to your desired screen width.
9. Secure end of ball line to dowel.
10. You may want to repeat this same process for a few of the horizontal lines so they are not flailing loose.
11. Viola! Use a room divider or funky curtain!