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July 23, 2008


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I read your blog everyday. That's got to score some extra points, right?


I buy seventh generation toliet paper, paper towels and try to use washable towels for everything I can.


I take public transportation!


Everyday I work I take my lunch and coffee in reusable containers. It saves me so much money and I'm not constantly throwing away paper!


These are so great guys! Keep 'em coming!


I NEVER EVER use plastic shopping bags.


DON¨T BUY BOTTLED WATER! Try and take a reusable plastic bottle wherever you go!


I recycle, unplug all unused electronics (coffee maker, toaster, stereo), turn off my computer at night, unplug my cell phone charger, turn off lights in unused rooms, don't run the water while brushing my teeth, recycle old cell phones (Cell for Cash), donate unneeded items and shop at my local farmers market.


I love doing and teaching others green crafting. At my blog, I offer free patterns and tutorials on how to crochet and craft items using recycled plastic grocery bags, vcr tape, cassette tape, old bed sheets, denim and other "trash." It's really fun and frugal to repurpose materials. It allows you to create something eco-friendly and usable which otherwise was just junk.


I'm starting my own resale clothing business (I'm 19) this summer. The nature of my business is green but I want to go above and beyond from the paint I decorate my store with to the ink I use to print receipts and tags, everything will be environmentally friendly. I care a lot about the environment and want to do my part to make the Earth a better place.

Having this book would help me in advancing my 'green', if you know what I mean.

Avid book reader

I recycle everything I can and walk everywhere. I also try and only buy local and don't buy new stuff until I absolutely need it - not when the styles change.


Great blog...and contest! Over the last few years on my blog I have documented the many ways I've gone green.

For example, I:

- use canvas bags at the grocery store
- eat local as much as possible (Madison has the best farmer's market)
- eat organic
- recycle as much as possible, of course that is after reusing and reducing :)
- using natural cleaning products
- teaching my two little girls to be green every chance I get.

Dagny McKinley

I'm doing what I can for the earth and my body by buying organic, buying recycled products for paper (I'm a writer), papertowels, toilet paper. I recycle everything I can. I work for environmentally friendly companies. The ones I have worked for that weren't we at least started recycling bottles and office paper. I hike instead of use motorized vehicles for recreational fun. I try to run errands in one go instead of going out three or four times a day. And I buy organic clothing as much as possible. The prices are coming down a little bit now. Hopefully they will do so more in the future.

Dagny McKinley
organic apparel


I've always been pretty green but this year I made my resolution to be even more green. Here are some things I have done and have added to my normally green regimen
- I work from home
- When I do drive, I drive an energy efficient car
- I eat organic whenever possible
- I don't consider myself vegetarian although I eat mostly vegan at home. (I rarely eat out)
- All my lights are CFL
- Turn off the thermostat
- Open the curtains for light if possible.
- Unplug all unused appliances
- I'm redecorating and I'm trying really hard to buy only recycled or organic products.
- Donate all unused items to charity

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